Monday, April 11, 2005

She's crafty: knitting AND beading?!

It's a Beastie Boys song ("She's Crafty" -- or is that not the title?). And it's me!

I tend to be fickle with crafts, which is why I'm happily surprised that knitting really holds my attention and my passion. Recently I decided to try my hand at making beaded stitch markers, since I have always loved beads and jewelry. I did the little-kid-designing of jewelry, from pop beads to earrings at the local bead store (which I had them actually put together on hoops), but I have never tried any "adult" beading projects.

Which brings me to a question: Anyone out there have a good beginner's beading book? I perused the stacks at Barnes & Noble, and there seem to be JUST TOO MANY. I want to know how to twist wire, what tools I'll need, a good resource guide, and design tips (though not necessarily project ideas). I'll probably mostly do either knitting with beads and basic beading for necklaces, earrings, etc. using wire or cording.

If you have a suggestion, leave a comment and I will gladly give advice (or handmade stitch markers!!!) in exchange.

On the knitting front, I'm excited to knit up a pillow or two for my Gramma's Mother's Day gift, another devil tail for the Delightful Miss M (mini-Boogie), and the no-longer-evil orange tank top for me. All by May! Can I do it??? Woo!


vi said...

best advice I actually can give you is pick up some tools and play
or even a kit maybe
don't be afraid of it
beading has been done for thousands of years by primative societies
and so YOU can do it too

Anonymous said...

Go to, look under jewelry making......go for it!